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10 Days Return policy
We want you to be fully satisfied with every item that you purchase from If you are not satisfied with an item that you have purchased, you may return the item within 10 days from the order date for a full refund of the purchase price. Shipping and handling charges will be deducted.
The item must be returned, unused , in good condition, in original packing, and with all paperwork and accessories to ensure full credit.
When Returns & Exchanges are not possible

• Opened or used boxes will not be accepted as returns.
• For issues like allergic reactions, gastric issues, headache, flavour Iike/dislike, flavor difference from one brand to other etc., products Will not be applicable for return. Please consult a doctor before buying any of our products.
• Return request is made outside the specified time frame.
• Product is damaged/tampered because of use or product is not in the same condition as you received it.
• Items that are returned without original packaging, freebies or accessories.
• Improper storage of product
What if the product is not as described?
If the product after opening is not as described, we request you to call 7707994444 immediately for assistance. If we find that the product received is not up to TrueForma™ standards, you will receive a replacement ,exchange for the same.